Source code for standard_names.standardname

#! /usr/bin/env python
"""A CSDMS standard name."""
import re

from six import string_types

from .error import BadNameError

_PREFIX_REGEX = "^[a-z]([a-zA-Z0-9~-]|_(?!_))*"
_SUFFIX_REGEX = "[a-z0-9]([a-z0-9~-]|_(?!_))*[a-z0-9]$"
#    '^[a-z][a-z0-9_]*[a-z0-9](__)[a-z0-9][a-z0-9_]*[a-z0-9]$'

[docs]def is_valid_name(name): """Check if a string is a valid standard name. Parameters ---------- name : str Standard name as a string Returns ------- bool ``True`` if the string is a valid standard name """ return bool(STANDARD_NAME_REGEX.match(name))
[docs]class StandardName(object): """A CSDMS standard name. Examples -------- >>> import standard_names as csn >>> name = csn.StandardName('air__temperature') >>> name == 'air__temperature' True >>> repr(name) "StandardName('air__temperature')" >>> name.object = 'water' >>> repr(name) "StandardName('water__temperature')" >>> name.quantity = 'density' >>> repr(name) "StandardName('water__density')" >>> name.operators = ('max', ) >>> repr(name) "StandardName('water__max_of_density')" >>> name.operators = 'min' >>> repr(name) "StandardName('water__min_of_density')" """ re = _PREFIX_REGEX + "(__)" + _SUFFIX_REGEX def __init__(self, name): """Create a standard name object from a string. Parameters ---------- name : str A Standard Name. """ if not is_valid_name(name): raise BadNameError(name) self._name = name (self._object, self._quantity, self._operators) = StandardName.decompose_name( name )
[docs] @staticmethod def decompose_name(name): """Decompose a name into its parts. Decompose the *name* standard name string into it's constituent parts (object, quantity, and operator). Returns a tuple of (object, quantity, operator) where object and quantitiy are strings, and operator is itself a tuple of strings (or empty). Parameters ---------- name : str A CSDMS Standard Name. Returns ------- tuple of str The parts of a name as ``(object, quantity, operators)`` Examples -------- >>> import standard_names as csn >>> name = 'atmosphere_air__elevation_angle_of_gradient_of_temperature' >>> csn.StandardName.decompose_name(name) ('atmosphere_air', 'temperature', ('elevation_angle', 'gradient')) >>> try: ... StandardName.decompose_name('air_temperature') ... except BadNameError: ... pass """ try: (object_part, quantity_clause) = name.split("__") except ValueError: raise BadNameError(name) (operators, quantity_part) = StandardName.decompose_quantity(quantity_clause) return object_part, quantity_part, operators
[docs] @staticmethod def compose_name(object, quantity, operators=()): """Create a string from the parts of StandardName. Parameters ---------- object : str An StandardName object. quantity : str An StandardName quantity. operators : iterable of str, optional Operators applied to the quantity. Returns ------- str The standard name composed of the given elements. Examples -------- >>> import standard_names as csn >>> name = 'atmosphere_air__elevation_angle_of_gradient_of_temperature' >>> parts = csn.StandardName.decompose_name(name) >>> csn.StandardName.compose_name(*parts) == name True >>> csn.StandardName.compose_name('air', 'temperature') 'air__temperature' """ operator = "_of_".join(operators) if len(operator) > 0: quantity = "_of_".join([operator, quantity]) return "__".join((object, quantity))
[docs] @staticmethod def decompose_quantity(quantity_clause): """Decompose a quantity into operators and quantities. Decompose the *quantity_clause* string into operator and base quantity constituents. Because multiple operators can act on a quantity, the operators are given as a tuple regardless of the number of operators actually present. Returns the parts of the quantity as a tuple of (operators, base_quantity) Parameters ---------- quantity_clause : str A CSDMS Standard Name quantity. Returns ------- tuple of str The parts of the quantity as ``(operators, quantity)``. """ quantity_parts = quantity_clause.split("_of_") quantity = quantity_parts[-1] operators = tuple(quantity_parts[:-1]) return operators, quantity
@property def name(self): """The full standard name as a string.""" return self._name @property def object(self): """The object part of the standard name.""" return self._object @object.setter def object(self, value): self._object = value self._name = StandardName.compose_name( self.object, self.quantity, self.operators ) @property def quantity(self): """The quantity part of the standard name.""" return self._quantity @quantity.setter def quantity(self, value): self._quantity = value self._name = StandardName.compose_name( self.object, self.quantity, self.operators ) @property def operators(self): """The operator part of the standard name.""" return self._operators @operators.setter def operators(self, value): if isinstance(value, string_types): value = (value,) self._operators = value self._name = StandardName.compose_name( self.object, self.quantity, self.operators ) def __repr__(self): return "StandardName(%r)" % def __str__(self): return def __eq__(self, that): return == str(that) def __ne__(self, that): return != str(that) def __lt__(self, that): return < str(that) def __gt__(self, that): return > str(that) def __cmp__(self, that): return == str(that) def __hash__(self): return hash(